Boxer Butts Drive me Nuts...
This is Astrid's tiny hiney, see those thighs? Pure muscle, this girl can JUMP!

The big one Bodhi, small Astrid. When we got Bodhi we
THOUGHT he was going to be Astrid's size. Apparently
he keeps growing...
Have you ever seen a Boxer butt in action? Here are some Boxer Butt 'terms'....- Kidney Bean : This is when a Boxer is SO excited to see you they curve into the shape of a Kidney Bean. I think this is due to the fierce wagging of the nubby tail, without the length to absorb all that energy the whole body arcs!
- Hummingbird : This is when the little nub moves so fast all you see is a blur. This indicates a Boxer is SO happy they can hardly contain themselves. This is often followed by the butt wiggle, and the shiver as the vibration from the Hummingbird travels through the body.
- Tic Toc Clock : This is when the nub is happy, yet curious. Wagging very slowly like the pendulum on a clock, not quite sure if it is coming or going. Just very slow like a tic - toc - tic - toc. This usually happens when a Boxer is excited and curious, i.e. the first meeting with a cat who is hissing at them.
- The One Eye Wink : You'll notice this when the Boxer indicates the desire to visit the yard to 'take care of business'. I really need not say more because if you have a Boxer you know exactly what I mean...
- Vapor Lock : This is when one Boxer is scared and running, they have no tail to put between their legs so their tail locks down over the, um, err, 'door bell' for lack of a better word. Now if we could command the 'Vapor Lock' to initiate with the 'Psssssss' (see below) happens the hole might be smaller in the ozone layer...
- Pssssssssssssss : This is when you should run, evacuate, cover your head and hide. This indicates a Boxer Fart. For some reason Boxers are notorious for passing gas, in the worst way. They are not quiet about it either. Sometimes you get the 'psssst' sometimes you think your husband let one loose on the leather couch. Regardless, accept the warning as a 5 second window to escape from impending doom because Boxers don't do 'fun farts' they spread the wealth...
So, there is my 'tail' for the day, I hope you enjoyed it!
The 'End'
Alethea Anderson
Have you hugged your Boxer today?