
Bringing Home a Tiny Puppy

So, in August of 2016 we brought home a teeny, tiny little puppy. The hubby chose his name, "Cruiser" (which is one ONE of the things we call him, lol). Cruiser was chosen as a name as the hubb is a Toyota Land Cruiser lover, he has rebuilt several over the years, into slow riding, Rubicon crawling machines.

So, at Cruiser's first vet visit he was only 4 oz., it was weird. I've always had big dogs, so even as puppies they came home a decent size. Bringing home a tiny puppy opens a whole new level of WTF moments...

A small breed puppy can fit into so many more itty bitty crevices. They can fit under the fence in the back yard. When in the back yard you actually worry they'll be swooped up by some sort of predator bird. They can squeeze under the tiny space under the couch. They can (and will) find the itty bittiest of weird things to eat in the house and yard. They can fall off the bed which is SO much farther down than for a baby Boxer. They get under your feet, they WILL get under your feet, and are MUCH more delicate if you accidentally step on them. They are faster, and more aerodynamic when attempting to catch them at a full speed run... (they can fit under tables and chairs so much easier, lol)

Seriously, cute or what? Sleeping in the smllest size dog bed
you can get. (this is a couple days after we got him)
In addition to all that, I simply forgot just HOW exhausting a puppy is to have. Not to mention, I'd say it was even MORE exhausting to bring a tiny puppy home.

You see they have to pee a LOT more than a bigger dog. Their bladder is quite tiny, so they cannot hold it as long. No such thing as a full night of sleep. I was literally up every two hours taking the puppy outside. I was cranky, grumpy, tired and all the other dwarfs too. The only thing that saved this puppy was the fact he was so dang cute (kidding)...

Then, after needing to get up every two hours,  he'd be WIDE awake at about 5-6 am, and want to play, play, PLAY. I'd go out on the couch where he had a safe room to play, and I'd (try) to get in a few more winks before starting the day. Holy cow. Do NOT get a small breed dog if you are not patient!

You have to take them out, a LOT. Because they can pee SO fast, and you won't even know it, unless you actually step on it. A micro pee smaller than a quarter. You have to watch for the telltale signs of a pending potty. You have to watch them like a hawk! I can seriously see why people with small dogs have piss all over their house (it's simply lack of diligence and proper training).

After the puppy phase passes, the reward is sSO great, this little dog is my heart. I never thought I could bond with a tiny, pointy eared dog, with such a little body. I mean, how could I love such a little thing? I could not go up and thump him like I do with Bodhi, I could not grab him in a human sized bear hug. However, I soon learned I could and would love this dog at a level I'd never knew existed. I don't love him more, just different. He dives under the covers, snuggles at my belly, rests his chin across my neck. He exudes SO much love. I. Can't. Even.

He twirls, jumps into my arms and is nothing but pure love. He proves, love comes in all sizes. He came into my life at just the perfect moment. I NEEDED him, and I am so grateful the Universe blessed me with his petite little self.

*sigh* my little Cruiser, he just makes me, happy <3 br="">
Oh the stories I have to share, stay tuned!

Have you hugged your dogs today?


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  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Adopting a new puppy is always a joyful task and you have explained everything in this post beautifully. Adopting a pet also makes you more responsible because you need to provide him/her possible care for them which start from the first day. Weather you want to give a new cute name to puppy, or need regular health checks and dog grooming. To keep their health up to date you need follow a strict dog vaccination schedule. All these things are come as a responsibility when you bring a new to your home.
