So 5 laser treatments, a whole bottle of antibiotics and a tar treatment later Bodhi was back at the vet this morning... Most of the inbetween area of his looks better, but between the center 2 it is still pretty swollen.
So he goes back tomorrow to be knocked out, drained, etc...
He is really used to the car rides now, he actually quite enjoys it. When I say 'Do you want to go on a car ride?" he fully does the happy dance!
Astrid is pretty bummed about all these excursions as she has been staying home, I think she's moping a bit. Surely she does not understand he's going to the VET and not somewhere FUN!
Just a little update!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
A Blog about a Boxer Dog and his Chichester companion... Boxers are great family dogs, gentle with children, loving, and attention seekers. Chichesters are a mix of wacky and wild, burrowing snugglers who can be a bit busy and feisty.
Bodhi to the VET again!
Greetings Fellow Boxer Lovers,
Today I took Bodhi to the vet! He has been licking his foot and I looked between his toes to see some gnarly bumps, it looked really raw, red and OUCH. In addition he was shaking his head again and had some of that brown 'goop' in his ear. (sorry for the graphics, but this may help someone who has something similar)
So the Doctor said his foot is an infection, similar to the one he had back in February. He said probably due to a food allergy. Entirely possible as we've had some friends over recently who snuck Bodhi food (and BOY did it PI**ED me off too). Not to mention he stole an entire loaf of french bread off the counter, and enjoyed every crumb (and some of the paper too).
The Vet said that food allergies manifest most often in foot chewing/licking, constant licking keeps it damp in between the toes creating that happy little place where infection wants to grow AND ear itching which then results in ear infections (scratching the ear makes the ear red and hot, which in turn makes it a great breeding place for bacteria)
So in addition to all that, Bodhi had a foxtail in his ear!
Bodhi of course was not so fond of the idea of 2 Vet Techs holding him in place while the Vet attempted to remove the foxtail. Bodhi is so strong and his eyes were looking at me like 'SAVE ME MOM!'. The vet was fearful that one strong squirming motion and he'd pierce Bodhi's ear drum. So that instantly made the visit about double in cost, as they now had to knock his 85# butt out in order to remove the foxtail! LOL
AND they are doing this new laser treatment on his foot, it costs about the same as long term antibiotics so I told them to go for it. At $25 a pop it's far more affordable than any laser treatment people get!
In addition to one today, he needs 2 more laser treatments this week, 2 next week and one the week following. One must be prepared to invest in their pet's health!
Bodhi is happy and well, he was a little 'drunk' when we picked him up today though!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today???
Today I took Bodhi to the vet! He has been licking his foot and I looked between his toes to see some gnarly bumps, it looked really raw, red and OUCH. In addition he was shaking his head again and had some of that brown 'goop' in his ear. (sorry for the graphics, but this may help someone who has something similar)
So the Doctor said his foot is an infection, similar to the one he had back in February. He said probably due to a food allergy. Entirely possible as we've had some friends over recently who snuck Bodhi food (and BOY did it PI**ED me off too). Not to mention he stole an entire loaf of french bread off the counter, and enjoyed every crumb (and some of the paper too).
The Vet said that food allergies manifest most often in foot chewing/licking, constant licking keeps it damp in between the toes creating that happy little place where infection wants to grow AND ear itching which then results in ear infections (scratching the ear makes the ear red and hot, which in turn makes it a great breeding place for bacteria)
So in addition to all that, Bodhi had a foxtail in his ear!
Bodhi of course was not so fond of the idea of 2 Vet Techs holding him in place while the Vet attempted to remove the foxtail. Bodhi is so strong and his eyes were looking at me like 'SAVE ME MOM!'. The vet was fearful that one strong squirming motion and he'd pierce Bodhi's ear drum. So that instantly made the visit about double in cost, as they now had to knock his 85# butt out in order to remove the foxtail! LOL
AND they are doing this new laser treatment on his foot, it costs about the same as long term antibiotics so I told them to go for it. At $25 a pop it's far more affordable than any laser treatment people get!
In addition to one today, he needs 2 more laser treatments this week, 2 next week and one the week following. One must be prepared to invest in their pet's health!
Bodhi is happy and well, he was a little 'drunk' when we picked him up today though!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today???
boxer itching ear,
boxer licking foot,
boxer licking paw,
boxer shaking head,
bumps between boxer toes,
Lush green Lawn for Bodhi and Astrid
The divine duo of Bodhi and Astrid are LOVING their new lawn! Just wanted to pop in with an update, summer has been flying by at warp speed and we're enjoying every moment. The boxers simply adore their new lawn, so much nicer than all dirt and rock!
Have you hugged YOUR boxer(s) today?
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged YOUR boxer(s) today?
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Bodhi the Boxer : Those Ears!
Bodhi... my precious boy and that ear!
He has this one little boo-boo in the fold of his left ear, being in the fold is making for a tough spot to heal. I've used some stuff from a previous ear boo-boo, I've used Neosporin. It was 'kind of' working...
However now I am using a product I got from TamPogo, it's a prebiotic skin care product and it really seems to be doing the trick. It is called Pure Chemistry's Botanical Buffet Moisturizing Derma Repair. Organic, all natural and I'm seeing quick results.
Just wanted to share!
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today? (again and again!)
He has this one little boo-boo in the fold of his left ear, being in the fold is making for a tough spot to heal. I've used some stuff from a previous ear boo-boo, I've used Neosporin. It was 'kind of' working...
However now I am using a product I got from TamPogo, it's a prebiotic skin care product and it really seems to be doing the trick. It is called Pure Chemistry's Botanical Buffet Moisturizing Derma Repair. Organic, all natural and I'm seeing quick results.
Just wanted to share!
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today? (again and again!)
Boxers are Funny...
Astrid is popping by to say 'Hi' today! She is a cover hog. Does your Boxer do this? (sleeps UNDER the covers in the bed?) Seriously, spoiled rotton..
Good thing Bodhi does not want under the covers...
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged YOUR Boxer(s) today?
Good thing Bodhi does not want under the covers...
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged YOUR Boxer(s) today?
What they HEY, you're driving me NUTS!
So today Beevis and Butthead, I mean Bodhi and Astrid were driving me NUTS!
Inside, outside, inside, whining for outside. Inside, whining for outside, over and over and over.
I was like WTF is your PROBLEM!.JPG)
Well it turns out the Quail have arrived, got it!
When I was eating dinner the duo were doing the crazy 'let us OUT' dance and I saw a big plump Quail bobbing by with the dohickey on his head.
They love chasing the Quail, I always knock on the glass to give them a warning so they have time to fly away. My little trick to preserve the nature :)
Spring has Sprung here in Nevada!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Inside, outside, inside, whining for outside. Inside, whining for outside, over and over and over.
I was like WTF is your PROBLEM!
Well it turns out the Quail have arrived, got it!
When I was eating dinner the duo were doing the crazy 'let us OUT' dance and I saw a big plump Quail bobbing by with the dohickey on his head.
They love chasing the Quail, I always knock on the glass to give them a warning so they have time to fly away. My little trick to preserve the nature :)
Spring has Sprung here in Nevada!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Spoiled? Who ME?
Astrid all snug and cozy between 2 blankets, on a dog bed, in front of the fire... Life is 'ruff', NO?
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Bodhi the Boxer back to the Vet again! (inflamed foot)
Bodhi's Foot was swollen and 'seepy' last week, I made an appointment, this his foot seemed better, then as Murphy's Law has it, he was limping over the weekend...
The foot started bleeding a bit, leaving teeny dots of blood on the tile on the floor. :(
The snow seemed to calm the inflamation over the weekend, but we still went to the Vet on Monday, new antibiotics... Evidently something, like a pokey from the yard irritated his foot and made little pimple-like things, infection, sigh...
The Dr. said the blood was the little pimple things popping - eww...
Good thing is he is feeling better now, and I've mastered giving him a pill first shot, even without peanut butter!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
The foot started bleeding a bit, leaving teeny dots of blood on the tile on the floor. :(
The snow seemed to calm the inflamation over the weekend, but we still went to the Vet on Monday, new antibiotics... Evidently something, like a pokey from the yard irritated his foot and made little pimple-like things, infection, sigh...
The Dr. said the blood was the little pimple things popping - eww...
Good thing is he is feeling better now, and I've mastered giving him a pill first shot, even without peanut butter!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Bodhi the Boxer doing Well after Minor Surgery & Cancer FREE!
Greetings Fellow Boxer Lovers,
Bodhi is doing great, back to his bouncing self and the biopsy is clear, no cancer!
His 2 incision sites are healing up nicely and he's due to get his stitches out this week :)
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Bodhi is doing great, back to his bouncing self and the biopsy is clear, no cancer!
His 2 incision sites are healing up nicely and he's due to get his stitches out this week :)
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Boxer Diet : Changing Food From Nutro Natural Choice Chicken, Rice & Oatmeal to Taste of the Wild Salmon & Sweet Potato
Greetings Fellow Boxer Lovers!
Today is the day we changed Astrid an Bodhi's Food over from Nutro Natural Choice to Taste of the Wild.
Previously I'd purchase Nutro at Petco, it was about $52 for a 40# bag at Petco and about $42 for a 40# bag at PetSmart.
Today I went to Benson's in Carson City, the food was about $37 for a 30# bag, comparable pricing, but now my Boxers are getting 100% Natural Food, made in the United States. In California actually!
I really like the service at Benson's (you can only buy Taste of the Wild at Specialty food stores. The guy picked up the bag, carried it to my car, put it in, shut the back of the FJ and opened my door for me to get in. Now THAT's servicve!
HEY! You know what I JUST noticed? Nutro is now called Chicken MEAL, rice & oatmeal. I never remember it saying 'meal' in there before. Perhaps this caused the onset of Bodhi's food alergy?
Things that make you go, hmmmmm
Anywho, I'm mixing the foods now for the adjustment. However the guy at Benson's (note to self, get his name next time) said it will be an easy transistion since the protein/fat ratios are very similar.
Astrid and Bodhi really like the new stuff! I'll let you know how it goes!
I've not heard from the Dr. yet RE Bodhi's biopsy, I'll let you know there too.
Off to go snuggle with the fur family :)
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you Hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Today is the day we changed Astrid an Bodhi's Food over from Nutro Natural Choice to Taste of the Wild.
Previously I'd purchase Nutro at Petco, it was about $52 for a 40# bag at Petco and about $42 for a 40# bag at PetSmart.
Today I went to Benson's in Carson City, the food was about $37 for a 30# bag, comparable pricing, but now my Boxers are getting 100% Natural Food, made in the United States. In California actually!
I really like the service at Benson's (you can only buy Taste of the Wild at Specialty food stores. The guy picked up the bag, carried it to my car, put it in, shut the back of the FJ and opened my door for me to get in. Now THAT's servicve!
HEY! You know what I JUST noticed? Nutro is now called Chicken MEAL, rice & oatmeal. I never remember it saying 'meal' in there before. Perhaps this caused the onset of Bodhi's food alergy?
Things that make you go, hmmmmm
Anywho, I'm mixing the foods now for the adjustment. However the guy at Benson's (note to self, get his name next time) said it will be an easy transistion since the protein/fat ratios are very similar.
Astrid and Bodhi really like the new stuff! I'll let you know how it goes!
I've not heard from the Dr. yet RE Bodhi's biopsy, I'll let you know there too.
Off to go snuggle with the fur family :)
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
Have you Hugged your Boxer(s) today?
Boxer Blog : Bodhi Had Surgery, 2 lumps removed... (picture)
Bodhi's 2 surgery spots...
He's doing well, one biopsy, we should know in 2 days.
Stitches out in 2 weeks!
Bodhi is on some pain meds, but at full spirits the 2nd day home :)
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer today?
He's doing well, one biopsy, we should know in 2 days.
Stitches out in 2 weeks!
Bodhi is on some pain meds, but at full spirits the 2nd day home :)
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you hugged your Boxer today?
Boxer Allergies : Boxer Itching Ear : Boxer Shaking Head : Boxer Losing Hair
Greetings Boxer Lovers!
I'm back! I know I'm always on the web working my home business, always blogging on my other blog, but I've been neglecting my Boxer Blog for some time. I most certainly have stories to share about this duo of crazy critters LOL
So Bodhi has been in and out of the vet for visits several times since late Summer 2009. It all started when we noticed he was tilting his head, but not the curious cute way that Boxers do.
Then he started shaking his head and holding his ear up in the air.... Then he started itching his ear....
I peered in the canal and it was icky and gross... So I cleaned out his ear, nothing, still itching and shaking. SO, I called the vet.
The Dr. checked his ear and said he had an ear infecton, so he got drops I had to put in twice a day (have you ever given ear drops to a dog who does not like it?) EEK no fun!
The Dr. said often ear infections are caused by a simple itch. Like they get a little cut in their ear, they scratch it, when they scratch the ear gets hot and red, perfect breeding ground for bacteria...
After the 14 days of drops were given, his ear still bothered him. So BACK to the vet for a checkup. Different medication, treating it as bacterial instead of viral this time. So pills and a different ear drop.
Just about 2 months later, back again, ear still bothering him. Now the vet thinks it is a food allergy! He recommended we swap out his Nutro Chicken, Oatmeal and Rice for Taste of the Wild, a 100% natural, no grain dog food. He also said to watch any people snacks he gets as it could be a cracker, a cookie or anything someone is sneaking to him. So I've been the people food patrol and getting house members and guests to cooperate is very frusterating!!!
In the middle of all these visits we had Bodhi checked for some lump appearing on his side. One the size of a pea, the other the size of a BB. Dr. said just to 'keep watch'.
Well this past week we brought Bodhi BACK to the vet (ear still bothering him a little bit not much), but now his rear end and rear feet are losing hair. He's looking like a little bald butt! And, 2 of the lumps have grown a bit...
The vet told me to change his food... we're going to. Also he said since the balding is equal, i.e. it's both rear feet, and on both sides of back, like a mirror image, that it is most likely internal. (he said if it were a patch here, patch there it'd more likely be a skin disorder or something)
Since Bodhi tends to be a bit lofty in the weight area, the vet also suggested a Thyroid test, as this often is a cause to balding in Boxers. So we took the pre-test (the $30 vs the $100) and it showed low levels, meaning he 'might' have a thyroid problem. SO. He is now on Thyroid medicine!
To top it off, my precious Bodhi is at the vet today having surgery to take the lumps out. This is one expensive Boxer! (he's the one we got papered from a "Boxer Breeder") It's going to range from $200 on up depending if they need to biopsy one or all of the lumps (there are 3 now, we noticed another)
Fingers crossed they find these lumps to be NOTHING. I told Bodhi he is not allowed to have any more lumps and bumps!
I'll update tonite when he gets home from the vet. I wonder if he'll have stitches and a lamp shade on?
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you Hugged YOUR Boxer today?
I'm back! I know I'm always on the web working my home business, always blogging on my other blog, but I've been neglecting my Boxer Blog for some time. I most certainly have stories to share about this duo of crazy critters LOL
So Bodhi has been in and out of the vet for visits several times since late Summer 2009. It all started when we noticed he was tilting his head, but not the curious cute way that Boxers do.
Then he started shaking his head and holding his ear up in the air.... Then he started itching his ear....
I peered in the canal and it was icky and gross... So I cleaned out his ear, nothing, still itching and shaking. SO, I called the vet.
The Dr. checked his ear and said he had an ear infecton, so he got drops I had to put in twice a day (have you ever given ear drops to a dog who does not like it?) EEK no fun!
The Dr. said often ear infections are caused by a simple itch. Like they get a little cut in their ear, they scratch it, when they scratch the ear gets hot and red, perfect breeding ground for bacteria...
After the 14 days of drops were given, his ear still bothered him. So BACK to the vet for a checkup. Different medication, treating it as bacterial instead of viral this time. So pills and a different ear drop.
Just about 2 months later, back again, ear still bothering him. Now the vet thinks it is a food allergy! He recommended we swap out his Nutro Chicken, Oatmeal and Rice for Taste of the Wild, a 100% natural, no grain dog food. He also said to watch any people snacks he gets as it could be a cracker, a cookie or anything someone is sneaking to him. So I've been the people food patrol and getting house members and guests to cooperate is very frusterating!!!
In the middle of all these visits we had Bodhi checked for some lump appearing on his side. One the size of a pea, the other the size of a BB. Dr. said just to 'keep watch'.
Well this past week we brought Bodhi BACK to the vet (ear still bothering him a little bit not much), but now his rear end and rear feet are losing hair. He's looking like a little bald butt! And, 2 of the lumps have grown a bit...
The vet told me to change his food... we're going to. Also he said since the balding is equal, i.e. it's both rear feet, and on both sides of back, like a mirror image, that it is most likely internal. (he said if it were a patch here, patch there it'd more likely be a skin disorder or something)
Since Bodhi tends to be a bit lofty in the weight area, the vet also suggested a Thyroid test, as this often is a cause to balding in Boxers. So we took the pre-test (the $30 vs the $100) and it showed low levels, meaning he 'might' have a thyroid problem. SO. He is now on Thyroid medicine!
To top it off, my precious Bodhi is at the vet today having surgery to take the lumps out. This is one expensive Boxer! (he's the one we got papered from a "Boxer Breeder") It's going to range from $200 on up depending if they need to biopsy one or all of the lumps (there are 3 now, we noticed another)
Fingers crossed they find these lumps to be NOTHING. I told Bodhi he is not allowed to have any more lumps and bumps!
I'll update tonite when he gets home from the vet. I wonder if he'll have stitches and a lamp shade on?
Alethea Anderson
Boxer Blogger
Have you Hugged YOUR Boxer today?
Boxer Dogs Chasing Laser Light
Here are Bodhi and Astrid having a little fun chasing the laser light around the house. Ceramic tile makes for great sliding!
Have you hugged your Boxer today?
Alethea Anderson
Have you hugged your Boxer today?
Alethea Anderson
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