My past dog duo Bear and Bearly (Mastiff and Pibble-Mix) were deathly afraid of the vacuum... they would run away, tail between legs and jump as high as possible. On the couch, on the bed, they'd have hung upside down from the ceiling if possible.

On the flip side there are those dogs whom feel the vacuum is a predator, and do everything within their power to destroy it. Attack, bark, chase, pounce, and beyond...
Astrid the Boxer Dog, on the other paw, could not give a care less... She will lay there in the middle of the floor, lifting her head barely for only a brief moment to acknowledge the presence of the snooze-disturbing-sucking-motor with a slightly dirty look. Then, she resumes slumber, in the middle of the floor, while I vacuum around her. Literally, I vacuum around her. Seriously, I can come so close that I can bump her with the vacuum, and she will not move...

That is, until, I'm done with that room. She seems to be conscious of my route through the house, and I swear she does this intentionally... You see, when I'm finished with the living room, she gets up, and lays in the middle of the dining room, I vacuum around her. When I'm finished with the dining room, she gets up, and lays in the middle of the family room, I vacuum around her. So on, and so forth, through the entire house!
When I'm done with the last room I have to go back through the house to vacuum all the Boxer Dog shaped "dogagons" left in each room that I was unable to get due to her nomadic slumbering...
Yes I know I could tell her to get her fuzzy butt out of the way, but in all reality I'd rather her be brave and not care, then develop a fear of the vacuum by me making her move every time...
On a side note, Bodhi the Boxer Dog, pretends to be brave... He will lay on the floor, with shifty eyes, watching every move of the evil vacuum. He will tolerate the impending doom machine for as long as dog-ly possible - then he escapes to the couch or bed and stays put until the vacuum is back in the cabinet...
Alethea Anderson
Have you hugged your Boxer(s) today?
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