August 31st - Trip to the Vet
Bodhi got his follow up booster shots at the vet, all is AOK! He was barely 11 weeks at weighed 22.4 #! You should see his FEET, he's going to be one massive beastie! Even the Dr. said 'wow he's got some hocks!" Bodhi goes back the 21st for his next round of boosters and then he can meet the world and go on walks and such - yay!

Stuck in a Rut!
When we first brought Mr. Bodhi home we were cautious in the back yard because of this one spot where a little puppy could fall in between the fence and some retaining wall. Once he became a BIG puppy we did not think he could fit so it was not a concern. Well...last Friday I hear Bodhi yelpin, he NEVER yelps! I RUN to the backyard and don't see him anywhere! Then I see FEET flying in the air, he somehow fell upside down in that same rut we worried about when he was still small. Upside down, wedged - I was panicked! I was the only one home and I could not see a way to get him out. He was freaking, wriggling and going further down - literally stuck in a rut! I calmed him down and he trusted me, made me feel awesome! =)
His shoulders were blocking him in so I could not lift him out, so I ended up taking about 4-5 bricks out of the wall to get down to him. Beatles, worms and SPIDERS oh my - what we do for LOVE! This whole time I'm thinking, off to the vet, what if he's hurt, scrapes, broken bones, stress, stress, stress...Well the second I get the brick out down by his shoulder he POPS up and OUT and starts burning rubber all around the yard!
Needless to say I felt much better!
The door thingy...

The other day Bodhi found the thing behind the door that prevents the handle from denting the wall. He was in our room and I kept hearing 'spronggggggggggggggg.... spronggggggggggggggggggg... spronggggggggggggggggggggggggg.....' he was pawing it having a good ol' time! I have pictures, just can't get them here (argh!)
Mr. Tough Boy
Not scared of the vaccum, not scared of the lawnmower - yet will have oodles of fun barking at something like my daughter's doll stroller!
LOVES the hose!
When I'm watering the garden he sits by me and paws the air until I let him drink from the hose! I have one of those nozzles with many sprayers so we play and I think he is trying to literally stop the water flow by biting the water! It just cracks me up!
No more couch safety!
He can officially make it up on the couch!
Has mastered 'sit'!
Via verbal and hand command! That's my smart baby!
Walks on leash
We practice in the yard and he does really well! He LOVES car rides so I'll say 'wanna go on a car ride?' and he runs to the door, and sits waiting for his leash!
He is MUCH more interested in the small furries around here! If they sit and growl he'll talk to them in his cute growly voice, like he's saying "I only wanna play". BUT if the cat makes the mistake of running, the chase is on! So if the cats wise up and sit in one spot, he won't but them! I do have a picture of Bodhi sitting next to Shadow, quite impressive!
Now he is waking up the kiddo!
I better go save her! More soon!
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
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