Hello Fellow Boxer Lovers!
Bodhi just being cute at the Breeder's! 5 more days til he comes home!
Boxers are an often abandoned breed...Why? Greed, misunderstanding and ignorance...
GREED: Irresponsible boxer breeders...
There are some boxer breeders who breed for money - and they don't care 'who' gets the puppies. ALL boxer breeders should interview the potential puppy parents to make sure they are educated on the breed, can provide the home the breed needs and are prepared to handle a boisterous boxer! Many who get the dog unprepared - simply think boxers are 'too much' and dump them as mere puppies under a year...
MISUNDERSTANDING: Boxers are purchased as guard dogs...
Some get a boxer assuming he will be a guard dog, to protect valuables, etc... Now don't get me wrong, a boxer will guard you with his life if need be, but he does this naturally. Boxers can not easily be 'trained' to be attack dogs. When people find this out - they often abuse them or abandon them because boxers don't have the agressive mentality the dog owner was seeking.
IGNORANCE: Boxers are too much to handle...
Often people don't do their research before they get a boxer puppy. They may simply like the look of a boxer. Someone they know may have a boxer and they want one too. Some may be caught up in the cutness of a boxer puppy. What they don't know is that boxers are HIGHLY active dogs, they don't grow out of 'puppy'. They mature, but they will always play, play, PLAY! They need attention, companionship, mental stimulation and will truly be your best friend! Boxers are also indoor dogs, not dogs to be left in a yard or dog run all day. Boxers are dogs for a high energy family ready to play and take him on walks. They are not couch potato dogs who will sleep all day!
If YOU are considering a Boxer...
Please, please, PLEASE read up on the subject BEFORE you make your decision! A GREAT book is Boxers For Dummies! It is for those considering a boxer or those who already have boxers. The book is basically boxers A to Z about what to expect with their playful personality, medical issues, training, etc...etc... It gives you a clear image of who a boxer is even before you have one at home. The book truly can convince someone OUT of a boxer, or someone that is sure they want a boxer, it will cement what you already know about the breed.
Don't forget the web!
Research the internet for information on boxer dogs! There are tons of FREE articles on the breed. Educate your self as much as possible. My husband and I have wanted a boxer for years, and when we were ready I STILL researched for months before we even chose a breeder. We are prepared for a furry bundle of energy, we are financially ready for a new puppy, we KNOW what to expect for a boxer!
Don't be a stasticic...
Pleasea don't get a boxer, then abandon him...It breaks their spirit, it breaks their heart...Just know for SURE if you REALLY want a boxer and if you are PREPARED to be a boxer parent...
Alethea Anderson
The Boxer Blogger
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